About this Program

Congratulations on making the decision to visit this program. Quitting smoking is quite a trip and most people need some help along the way.

You’re currently visiting is the seventh version of our eHealth program for smoking cessation.

The Stop Smoking Center (SSC) eHealth program, first launched in September of 2000, has been continually enhanced through a methodology that involves input from our clinical advisors, experts in technology and program members. We adapt behavior-change exercises used in traditional treatment programs to suit the dynamic and personalized nature of the Internet, and combine them with online social networking tools.

Unlike traditional programs, SSC 7.3 is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week so we’re here when you need us most.

Improving our Technology
In order to keep improving our eHealth programs we collect non-identifiable usability data from the public versions of our programs. Please visit our research section to see the new areas of online behavioral health that we’re currently investigating.

We license and customize versions of our programs to academic researchers, corporations, employee-assistance programs, pharmaceutical companies, providers, payers, health management organizations and non-profit organizations. Please contact us if you would like to learn more about our eHealth software programs. 

What’s new in SSC 7.3?
Through our commitment to research and development we continually offer cutting-edge eHealth programs. Our programs are algorithmic-based and are fully customized to the unique behaviors of smokers who are in unique stages of cessation.  

Customization for Three Quitter Types
SSC 7.3 has been designed for three specific quitter types: current smokers, occasional (or “social”) smokers, and those smokers who are thinking about quitting but are not quite ready to quit. The program has been specifically designed to help different types of smokers learn to cope with the various challenges they’ll experience as they move toward a smoke-free lifestyle.

A Self-Guided Behavior Change Program
Customized to quitter type, registered program users are presented with a full range of behavior change and motivational exercises. All exercises are presented to the user after registration, and users are encouraged to browse topics that are of particular importance to their quit attempt. 

We encourage registered members to complete these exercises, or re-complete specific exercises, at their own pace.

Quit Tools and Resources
Each registered member has the option of using the following range of quit tools and resources:

  1. • Access to expert-moderated Communitys and Health Educators
• A full range of dynamic, personalized and motivational cessation exercises
• Up-to-the-minute quit meters (days quit, cigarettes not smoked, money saved, life gained)
• A craving’s diary and withdrawal symptom tracker
• 11 weeks of Support Emails
• 31 days of coping tips and inspirational text messaging
• Access to Public Pledges
• Eligibility for the Hall of Fame (Success Stories)
• Emergency coping plans
• Educational information about smoking and quitting

Enhanced Social Networking
Enhanced social networking tools allow our members to get personal, but stay anonymous.

As our expert-moderated Communitys are one of the most popular elements of our programs, we’ve made significant enhancements to our social networking tools and Community moderation technology.

Some of these enhancements include the ability for members to add avatars, emoticons, or generate a personal profile. We’ve found that these additions were essential as they promote discussion and encourage users to form social networks that are based on hobbies, geographic location or other areas of interest.

We’ve also made technical enhancements to our WebTriage technology so moderators can effectively communicate one-on-one with our members.

Need more Information?
If you’d like more information on SSC 7.3, or our other eHealth programs, please contact us.

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